The animals are grazed out on pasture as the weather and growing season allows, typically late May/early June - November.
Four-1 quart resealable bags
2 per package
10 per package
2 per package
Avg 1.5 - 3 pounds
1 pound package
12 oz package
1 - 2 pound packages
1 - 1.5 pounds
30 pounds
3lb bags raw beef suet
6 per package
1 pound package
10 per package
2.5-3.5 pounds
5 - 6.5 pounds
1 pound package
4 per package
1 quart resealable bag
6 per package
1 pound package
10 per package
1 pound package
3-3.5 pounds
1 pound package
One steak per package
2 - 3 pounds
85% Lean Ground Round - 1 Pound