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Author: Jen Riemer

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11 Ideas for Cozy Winter Dinners

These winter days have me craving all sorts of comfort foods. If you're looking for a little inspiration of what to make for dinner these days, try some of these simple, but tasty classics.

Madison Locally Sourced Article

Madison Locally Sourced is a publication highlighting good food and sustainability in and around the Madison area. We are delighted that they choose our farm to highlight in their current issue. Please let us know what you think!

DIY Chicken Bone Broth

It's the time of year where our bodies crave warm nourishing foods and this broth has it all! Vitamins, collagen, minerals and most importantly it tastes amazing!

Quick and Easy Recipes

Life is complicated, but dinner doesn't have to be. Check out this list of quick and easy recipes for your family's dinner. Mom and kid approved!

Sustainable or Regenerative?

These farm buzz words are thrown out in conversations and advertising campaigns. These are tricky terms because they mean different things to different people. The term sustainable has been so overused in recent years that it seems to be almost meaningless. Everyone from Walmart and McDonald's to startup companies claim to be sustainable. Is sustainability really the best idea?

Spring Has Sprung!

The snow has FINALLY melted and the grass is starting to green up!  Read more to hear about our new pastures, our Monarch Butterfly habitat and other exciting news from around the farm!