From field to fork, we proudly offer grass-fed meats and charcuterie. Enjoy FREE shipping on orders $165+!

Pastured Turkey

Our turkeys are raised on our own regenerative pastures and supplemented with non-GMO grain from our local mill. The grain mix does contain non-GMO corn and soy. The turkeys are rotationally grazed and moved across the pasture regularly.

$16.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Ground Turkey

Limited Time Item!

$15.95 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Turkey Bone Broth

1 quart resealable bag

Save $1.05

Turkey Breast

1.8 pound boneless breast

$18.00 /lb.
Avg. 1.8 lb.

Turkey Wings

2 per package

Save $1.20 /lb.
$7.75 /lb.
$8.95 /lb.
Avg. 2 lb.

Whole Turkey (Medium)

Pasture raised, 16 - 20 pounds

$6.95 /lb.
Avg. 18 lb.

Whole Turkey (Small)

Pasture raised, 12 - 17 pounds

$7.25 /lb.
Avg. 14.5 lb.