From field to fork, we proudly offer grass-fed meats and charcuterie. Enjoy FREE shipping on orders $165+!

No Steroids

Steroids are never administered to animals. (The FDA does not allow the use hormones or antibotics in the production of pork or poultry.)

Knuckle Bones

1 - 2 pounds

$5.90 /lb.
Avg. 2 lb.

Marrow Bones

Two per package

$6.20 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Pork Neck Bones

1 - 2 pounds

Save $0.60 /lb.
$4.40 /lb.
$5.00 /lb.
Avg. 2 lb.

Soup Bones

Range in size from 1 - 1.5 pounds

$8.95 /lb.
Avg. 1.3 lb.