Country Style BBQ Ribs
July 22, 2020 • 0 comments

Cooked low and slow, these ribs are the perfect bit of sweet and savory. You can't get simpler than this (only 5 ingredients, paleo, and gluten - free). Enjoy them alongside the season's favorite side dishes.
- Prep Time:
- Servings: 6
- (1.5-2 lbs) Country Style Ribs
- (1 tbsp) garlic powder
- (1 tsp) black pepper, ground
- (2 Tbsp) salt
- (1 cup) your favorite BBQ sauce
Thaw the ribs out ahead of time (a day or two) so they are near room temperature when you are ready to cook them. This recipe is written for a slow cooker. Can substitute spare ribs, as well, with no changes to the recipe.
1.Mix the spices together and rub them on the ribs.
2. Set into slow cooker and add the BBQ sauce.
3. Set on low for 8 hours and enjoy!
Yes, it's that easy! The biggest thing you need, is patience; good ribs can't be rushed so make sure you plan ahead. For a tender, flavorful cook, ribs need to be done "low and slow". Trust us - they'll be worth the wait!