Which Ground Beef is Best for Me?
posted on
June 5, 2023
Ground beef is always a go-to-favorite for busy midweek meals.
Spaghetti, tacos, burgers, sloppy joe, casserole....there are so many things you can make with a good ground beef!
But which ground beef should you use?
We offer 4 different varieties of ground beef with the addition of our NEW Ground Chuck/Sirloin! So what's the difference between them all?
1. Ground Beef (85% lean) - Traditional ground trim. Flavorful. Classic. Less lean, more moist.

2. Ground Round (90% lean) - Ground from the round portion of the beef. Lean and well rounded flavor.

3. Power Grind Ground Beef (10% liver/90% ground beef) - Traditional 85% lean ground beef ground into a 90/10 ratio with liver for an added nutrition boost with the same fantastic flavor!

4. Ground Chuck/Sirloin (50/50 ratio) - A 50/50 ratio of ground chuck and sirloin; both tender, flavorful cuts, and simply delicious! The most flavorful.

All of them are perfect for your family's favorite ground beef dishes.
Because the ground round is a little leaner, you may need to add some extra water or fat to it when cooking, but otherwise, they cook similarly.
We wanted to see if there was any major taste difference between them, so Anastasia cooked up all 4 separately (unseasoned) and subjected us all to a blind taste test.
The results were an overwhelming - "It's all delicious!", but 7/8 voted that our ground chuck/sirloin was their favorite.
It was ever so slightly more tender and more flavorful than the other grinds, indicative of its higher quality.
The one other vote was for our Power Grind Ground Beef.
The person who preferred the power grind ground beef in the blind taste test ALSO happens to have anemia (iron deficiency) and since liver is one of the best sources of iron, it's no surprise that their body knew exactly what it needed - more iron!
It was pretty cool to see the results, and it's worth noting that nobody could tell which ground beef was the Power Grind because it really does taste like ground beef...just with an extra nutritional boost to it. Take note - your body will thank you!
So which ground beef do you prefer? Try our Ground Chuck/Sirloin for yourself.