Roast Chicken
July 29, 2022 • 0 comments

Looking for a roast chicken recipe? Here is a great recipe that was submitted by a customer!
- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- Servings: 6-8
- (1) Whole Chicken
- (4 Tbsp) Butter
- (2 Tbsp) Olive Oil
- (to taste) Salt
- (to taste) Pepper
- (1/2 tsp (to taste)) Parsley
- (1 tsp (to taste)) Sage
- (1 tsp (to taste)) Rosemary
- (1 tsp (to taste)) Thyme
- (1 whole) Lemon
Note, cooking times may vary depending on the size of the chicken. This recipe was made using a 5 pound chicken. Use a meat thermometer to know when chicken is finished cooking. The USDA recommended cook temperature is 165 degrees F for poultry.
Recipe and photo were submitted by Gene V.
- Thaw chicken a few days (2-3) ahead of time in the fridge in a raised container or bowl.
- When ready to cook, preheat oven to 450 degrees.
- In a separate bowl, mix melted butter and olive oil.
- Rub chicken in the oil mix, then rub in salt, pepper, a little parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. You can also used a "poultry blend" spice.
- Pierce lemon with a knife repeatedly, and put in cavity of chicken.
- Set in roasting pan.
- Cook chicken at 450 degrees for 10 minutes, then lower oven temperature to 350 degrees.
- Baste occasionally to keep breast meat moist.
- After 45 minutes, flip chicken onto breast.
- After 30 minutes, flip chicken onto back and cook for remaining 15 minutes.
- Remove chicken from the oven, then let rest for 10 minutes before carving.
- Serve alongside roasted vegetables, salad, etc., and enjoy! :)