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Reflections from 2018

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posted on

December 28, 2018

Happy 2018! What a year it's been!


As we look back, we wanted to share a few of our favorite highlights with you. 


1. A Greater Community - This one's for you all! Thanks to the eager participation of our wonderful hosts, and in part to a humbling feature in MKE Magazine, we've expanded our farm's community to the reaches of Milwaukee and Madison. It has been incredible to meet so many wonderful families and individuals across Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. Thank you! We couldn't do any of this without supportive folks like you, eager to see some real change in the world. We look forward to serving you in 2019!


2. The Great Monarch Migration - What a tremendous experience it was to host thousands of monarch butterflies in our newest converted pasture! Our perennial pastures provided abundant food and habitat for the butterflies, allowing them to stay and rest at our farm as they made their way south. The experience was completely unexpected and wholly unforgettable - our fingers are crossed that they'll be back again in 2019! Stay tuned this summer! :)


3. Our Newest Team Member, Anastasia - Notice an uptick in our social media over the last few months? It's all thanks to our newest team member, Anastasia. She joined us in July and quickly became a dynamic part of the team, ready to help with anything. Whether we're loading cattle or needing a newsletter, Anastasia is there to help. We're proud to have her on our team, and you can certainly expect to see more of her in 2019!


4. Elli's First Lamb Sale - As some of you know, Elli, our oldest daughter, is the shepherdess of our sheep flock. She owns and operates the enterprise and is celebrating her very first year of selling lamb! Thank you all for your support and encouragement! It went well and we're looking forward to expanding our flock in 2019. :)

What was the highlight of your year? We'd love to hear it! Comment with your favorite memory below.

Happy New Year!

- The Riemer Family -

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