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Pork Roast & Chop Value Bundle

Pork Roast & Chop Value Bundle

Deep Discount Pork Bundle
Save $40.00

Limited quantity pork bundle. 

Only 15 available at a fantastic price: $40 off = 26% discount!

Why such a good deal? We were unable to get a few hogs into our regular processor so used a facility that uses packaging that is unlike the rest of what we use.  The meat is high quality and will last in the freezer for months, but it just doesn't look as good!  These are also pretty big roasts and chops! 

  • 2 Roast, approx 4.5# each: 2 shoulder OR 1 shoulder and 1 picnic roast
  • 2 packages Bone in chops, 2 in a package, about 2# per package
  • 2 packages boneless chops, 2 in a package, about 1# packages

Same quality pork that you know and love, unbeatable price, don't wait. Once they are gone, I will not be restocking this particular bundle.